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our solutions
Financial PLanning
1/ Establish the client-planner relationship
2/ Gather data/determine goals & objectives
3/ Analyze client information
4/ Develop and present the Financial Plan
5/ Launch the Financial Plan
6/ Monitor the Financial Plan
investment management
Our investment strategies are customized to meet the goals of our clients. Our extensive process builds portfolios that are appropriate for your individual needs. We focus on your objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, cash flow requirements and tax implications. Our process is ongoing as we analyze economic and market conditions and strategically manage your assets appropriately.
risk management
While accumulating wealth is vital to your plan, protecting your assets and securing your future is equally important. We analyze your situation and identify possible threats to achieving your financial goals. There are many components and forms of insurance which we analyze for our clients such as:
Life/Premature Death
Critical Illness
Long Term Care
Property & Causality
estate & charitable planning
We work closely with our clients to implement strategies that achieve their goals by no only protecting their assets but also helping to dramatically increase the amount of wealth they transfer to their heirs. Federal estate and state inheritance taxes can eat up as much as 50 percent of individual net worth, ultimately effecting the amount one is able to leave to their heirs and charitable organizations that are dear to them. We partner with Estate Planning attorneys to implement appropriate strategies to accomplish client objectives.
cash flow management
In today's fast paced society, many clients feel overwhelmed in keeping up with basic cash flow management and household budgeting. We work closely with our clients to create and implement a detailed budge that fits their financial plan. In addition, some clients contract additional services to assist them in paying their bills and helping manage their household.
tax strategies
We put great emphasis on total return for our clients. Our strategy is to focus on taxes which have the potential to produce positive investment returns. We may utilize tax efficient investment vehicles and make suggestions to maximize contributions to tax deferred investment vehicles when appropriate. The process of tax loss harvesting may also be an appropriate solution for some clients.
succession planning
Many clients have devoted much of their lives building their business through hard work and sacrifice. Eventually, they reach a point where their focus turns to transitioning the business to a successor. Often times this occurs organically from within the company or via the sale to an external party. Either way, we will guide you through this transition as efficiently as possible helping you achieve your desired goals.
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